There are many theories regarding the causes of cellulite. As earlier stated, cellulite isn’t restricted to skinny women alone. Skinny women can also possess a high amount of fat regardless of how much they weigh. An overweighing physique doesn’t necessarily characterize fat. It can be unnoticeably contained in the body.

The area of fat in the skin has different tissue structuring as compared to other skin areas without fat. As those fat cells increase, there is an increase in the fat layer. Thus, overstretching the connective tissues which subsequently results in cellulite. Losing some fat should wave cellulite goodbye but not when it’s on your butt as the butt is made up of excess fat compared to other body parts.
In the fight against cellulite, consistency, and patience should be considered your best pals as it takes quite a long for cellulite to be reduced. If you want to have a fast chance at zapping cellulite, you will do yourself good to do away with over-processed foods.
Ensure you also supplement your healthy dietary intake with a workout routine. Below are three butt-specific exercises to abide by when battling cellulite.
Single-leg Hip Raise
In this routine, you lie on your back with your face up. Your left knee should be bent while your right leg should be lifted straight up. Try to contract your abdominal muscles and keep it that way.

Contract your gluteal muscles and lift your hips until your body is in a straight-line position from your shoulder down to your knees (your left leg should remain lifted while you do this). Lower your hips and get into this position, do about ten reps.
Reverse Lunge
You will need a pair of dumbbells for this routine. Hold the dumbbells in both hands with your arms dangling facing each other. Step your right leg backward while you bend your left knee forward in a 90-degree position. Your left knee should be almost touching the ground. Get back to a standing position from this position. Do 20 reps for this routine.

You also need a pair of dumbbells for this routine. Hold a pair of dumbbells in both hands with both your arms dangling by your sides. Stand in front of a bench that is elevated to the height of your knees. Lift and place your left foot on the bench and try to lift your entire weight and return to a standing position. Do 20 reps for this.

Help your cellulite with CELLUAID Cream
There are quite some anti-cellulite products you can use to aid your work-outs, products as anti-cellulite creams and cellulite lotions. However the recommended anti-cellulite product that is reliable in producing results is CelluAid.
CelluAid is the best anti-cellulite lotion. It seeks to rehydrate and replenish your skin. It contains a natural dose of quinoa extract. Visit the reviews page to see CelluAid reviews.
Visit today for the top anti-cellulite lotion
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